Self Publishing Your Book? How To Market It

That author inside you also has the mind of an entrepreneur!

Yes, your book can be your first product!

Something that sells and also gives you a name, and you might not need to take help from anyone else.

This is why we insist that you go down the path of self-publishing.

Yes, self-publishing can be amazing because most of the book’s loyalty is coming your way.

Plus, it is your name everywhere!

However, you will need the right marketing strategy.

In this excerpt below, that is what we will be discussing.

Market Your Book

Here is to marketing your first book!

1. Upload EBook In Torrent

Torrent is an excellent platform, and you can also get viral through it!

– First, it costs zero.

– Second, thousands are looking for free ebooks there every day, and there is a possibility of your getting discovered soon.

Thus, you can totally weaponize it. Click RarBG to upload your first ebook today.

2. Weaponize Social Media

Your social media is the greatest weapon you have, and you should use it to your heart’s content!

Learn all the promotional tactics which you need to grasp.

Take a course if needed. But, do not forget the power of social media, especially when you can talk directly to reader communities and promote your book before it comes out.

3. Guest Posting

Guest postings are when you talk to the admins of a website and pay them to post a blog about your book.

In this way, you do not have to open a brand new website, and you can take help from an excellent website that has good health and better SEO.

They will be able to reach a fresh batch of customers.

4. Trailer Videos

Trailer videos are an excellent way to get people excited. When they see a visual representation of the story they are going to read; it automatically makes them want the book more.

This is one of the reasons why book trailers are such a huge thing now, and you must get on board with the trend as well.

Yes, it could be a little pricey to shoot the video and get it up, but just think about the promotion.

5. Giveaways & Countdowns

Giveaways and countdowns are other ways to engage your readers before they have read the book.

Have lively discussions about the plotline and story.

Plus, select a few lucky ones who will be getting the giveaways!

Frequently Asked Questions

Self-publishing your book is exciting and daunting at the same time, and there is so much that you need to learn about the publishing and the marketing industry.

Thus, we can understand why you are so pressed about understanding everything.

Now that you have gotten a hold of the basics, you can understand further with the help of these answers.

These are some expert suggestions on the frequently asked questions over the internet about everything self-publishing.

1. Can A Self Published Book Become A Bestseller?

Ans. If you are traditionally publishing something, it will automatically have more of a leg up when it comes to your book getting into the list of bestsellers.

However, when it comes to a book getting the bestseller mark. It all depends on how well it is published and whether the story is attractive enough to catch every ardent reader’s attention.

2. How Many Books Do I Need To Sell?

Ans. When you start selling books, you need to sell almost 6000 to 7000 copies in order to make decent money and make a living out of it.

3. Do I Need A Website When You Are Self Publishing?

Ans. When you are self-publishing, you will need something which will help you promote this book. If you have a social media which is good going, you can weaponize that.

Or, if you want to get more traffic, and you think that your social media presence wouldn’t suffice for it, then you should look for a website.

Because getting a website launched is a bigger deal than managing your own social media.

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