The Most Important DevSecOps Tools You Should Consider

Any effective DevSecOps deployment must include automation. Because of the complexities of modern software development, relying solely on manual testing can impede even the most well-organized and planned businesses. Enterprises may use the right DevSecOps technologies to implement DevSecOps features like agility, thorough testing and monitoring, tight feedback loops, security throughout the SDLC, and, ultimately, high-quality software delivery.

Of course, as firms have embraced DevSecOps methods, the quantity and variety of technologies supporting DevSecOps projects has increased. In this article, we’ll look at five significant types of DevSecOps tools and their applications.

Here are the five tools you should have on hand to help with DevSecOps.

Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

Given that open source software comprises more than 90% of the codebase of current apps, SCA has become a vital DevSecOps tool. SCA tools scan programmes for flaws (security vulnerabilities, questionable OSS licencing, and quality concerns) in open source code and report them. SCA systems also provide reporting capabilities, such as the ability to produce a software bill of materials.

If and when SCA detects a vulnerability, it gives a wealth of information (including a severity score, inclusion path, and remedial suggestions) to assist users in dealing with the problem. SCA inventories the many licences involved in your code for the open source licencing compliance use case, indicating any components with licences that violate an organization’s compliance policy.

Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

SAST detects flaws in the code it analyses, successfully highlighting typical concerns such as CWE-79 (cross-site scripting), buffer overflow faults, SQL Injection, and others.

SAST, like SCA, detects vulnerabilities and provides repair advice. Both tools examine source code and binaries rather than run apps. Furthermore, both SCA and SAST are widely employed at the “build” stage of the software development lifecycle, in accordance with the “shift-left” idea of undertaking security testing as early in the SDLC as feasible.

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

Unlike SAST and SCA, DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) examines a running application for vulnerabilities. As a result, it enters the software development lifecycle later.

DAST does not need source code access. DAST tools, on the other hand, discover flaws in a running programme by (safely) inserting malicious inputs into the application in order to find potential security issues. A DAST tool will send HTTP requests to detect SQL injections, operating system injections, and cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. It also detects flaws in application security contexts like security headers, cookie security, content security rules, and X-Frame-Options.

Automated Testing Tools

Firms that have effectively implemented DevSecOps no longer need large, specialised QA teams. “Testing is about automation,” according to the US government’s DevSecOps Fundamentals Guidebook, and “testers must become creators of that automation.”

While some human testing will be required (it is not possible to automate every part of every test), the great majority of tests can be automated.

Issue Tracking System

The final tool we’ll go through is one that most teams are probably already using: issue tracking software. Several critical DevSecOps phases and tasks are supported by issue tracking systems.

The following are key features of problem tracking tools:

  • Automation increases engineering productivity by automating procedures such as problem closure, customer notification, issue assignment, and more.
  • Tracking and history of issue resolutions provide visibility and structure to facilitate effective bug management as well as keeping track of activities connected to issue resolution.
  • Change management provides stakeholders with visibility into the creation of new features. It provides interactive processes and roadmaps to assist in planning and development.
  • Prioritization management allows teams to quickly (i.e., drag and drop) prioritise different repairs and activities so that the most critical issues are always addressed.
  • Capabilities for automated reporting provide a consolidated view of created vs. resolved problems, resolution velocity, development velocity, and other critical metrics.

How to Select a DevSecOps Tool

The ideal DevSecOps solution, like other cybersecurity technologies, serves the particular demands of an organisation or team. There is a big difference in cost and functionality among the options listed above, offering companies much to compare against a budget.

Most commercial subscriptions cost tens of thousands of dollars per year, making selecting a comprehensive DevSecOps solution a difficult endeavour. The advantage of the aforementioned corporate plans is the expanding array of tools and capabilities available for developing strong security software architecture.

Because of the expansion of applications, software development will get increased regulatory scrutiny. DevSecOps tools might make or break the development of a dependable, secure, and compliant software solution for customers or stakeholders.

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