Top 5 Tech Careers Of The Future

Top 5 Tech Careers Of The Future

Tech is growing and there’s no end in sight. Advances in the industry means more job opportunities for those who are interested in jumping into this exciting field and finding meaningful work that offers new challenges. So what jobs are on the horizon, and how can you prepare yourself?

The tech careers of the future will require you to upskill or add to your current education. This means applying for relevant programs through colleges and universities, or looking for career advancement opportunities at a current job. The top tech jobs of the future that we’re focusing on in this article are broad and can be found in a variety of industries, so there’s something for everybody. Find one that interests you and learn the different skills you’ll need in order to start your career.

Robotics Technician

Robots are a hot commodity in today’s world and they’re being introduced more and more into our everyday lives. This means that there’s going to be an increase in demand for robotics technicians, people who know how to operate and troubleshoot robots, and can even assist in their design.

Robotic technicians often work on a team and collaborate with other technicians, locating problems and troubleshooting system errors. They can work in the manufacturing sector, and in the Canadian Armed Forces, and in hospitals. Robots have been used to assist doctors while they perform surgeries, for example. They can assist with delicate procedures that are minimally invasive. The Da Vinci surgical system is perhaps one of the most well-known robots offering assisted surgery, offering tiny instruments that move just like a human’s hand. The machine itself is operated by a surgeon, but it has built-in tremor resistance and high-definition views.

Alternatively, robots are used for tasks that are too dangerous for humans to perform, like dealing with hazardous chemicals or machinery. Within the Canadian Armed Forces, robots are used to diffuse explosives and conduct reconnaissance, protecting the safety of military personnel. The need for robotics technicians in this field is paramount as the success of the robot’s application rests in the hands of qualified technicians.

To become a robotics technician, you’ll want to look for a program that offers hands-on learning and technical skills that you can take to work right away. Programs that offer simulation software are great since you can train remotely and you don’t have to worry about damaging the actual robot while you’re learning.

Top 5 Tech Careers Of The Future

Automation Technician

Automation technicians work to build, maintain, and modify systems that remove the need for human manual operation. This means any computer system that automates a process. Along with robotics, automation is growing and is making our lives a lot easier. Automation removes the need for humans to complete tasks that are mundane, repetitive, and don’t require much skill. Automation opens doors for workers to focus on more complex tasks or jobs that can only be done by humans.

Automation technicians work in a variety of sectors, including manufacturing, IT, and even government jobs. Within food manufacturing plants, automation is responsible for assuring that each food product is wrapped according to its specifications and that the assembly line is running smoothly. An automation technician would preside over the machine and troubleshoot any issues that arise. Being able to think quickly and critically is a huge part of this job as even the slightest delay in production can cost thousands of dollars. Quality assurance is of course a high priority within this sector in order to keep consumers safe from illness. Cleaning robots that use machine learning in order to map out a factory floor are used on a daily basis, providing a space free of harmful bacteria.

An automation technician should be familiar with human-machine interfaces, electronics, and computer science. You can become an automation technician by obtaining a certificate, diploma or degree from a recognized college and gaining hands-on experience in the field.

Electronics Technician

Electronics technicians differ from robotics and automation technicians because they work specifically with electronic systems, not just robots. They may work to assemble, maintain, test, and repair electronic systems found in commercial spaces and residential spaces. As an electronic technician, you would be responsible for monitoring and reporting on projects in progress while also calibrating the physical mechanics of the machine.

For example, an electronics technician working for a government agency might be required to go out to a physical location to perform diagnostic tests on electronic equipment. If there’s an outage after a storm, dispatchers would gather the necessary information and a crew of technicians would be deployed to the area. Storms can cause damage to transmission systems and disrupt circuits, so as an electronics technician, you’d be responsible for pinpointing the issue and repairing it.

Electronics technicians are employed by an array of manufacturing companies, communications companies, and government institutions. This work can range from services technicians to collaborating on a design team. This is a versatile career that is expanding, and many electronics technicians are also going back to school to upgrade their knowledge.

PLC Technician

PLC technicians specifically work with programmable logic controllers. PLCs are small computers that control machinery. The machinery that they are found in can be used in manufacturing systems, such as assembly line machines. A PLC technician that is hired by a food manufacturing company, for example, would be responsible for installing and troubleshooting production line equipment. Interfacing with factory control systems would be a major part of the job, along with writing schematic diagrams and drafting 3D blueprints of the machines. If any issues arise with the machines, a PLC technician would provide solutions based on the data from the logic controllers and work to maintain optimal flow rates.

This is a job that requires individuals to be highly skilled and knowledgeable about the field as it’s quickly growing. Understanding ladder logic, CPUs, and circuits is a must when it comes to excelling in this field. PLC technicians usually gain experience through hands-on learning and vocational training, while some use simulation software which effectively turns their own personal computer into a PLC. The software helps train individuals to program a PLC, without having to purchase an expensive device. PLC technicians significantly increase their knowledge and hireability by gaining a certificate, a diploma, or an associates degree offered by a PLC program.

Electromechanical Technician

Electromechanical technicians are different from other technicians mentioned above because, while they do focus on electronics, they have an emphasis on mechanical systems. Electrical systems are concerned with how electricity transmits energy. Mechanical systems focus on physical power. The two intersect within the study of electromechanics.

An electromechanical technician is going to be responsible for installing and repairing industrial electronic equipment and can also get involved with designing systems. They may work within the biomedical sector, the manufacturing industry, or within government—just to name a few. Within the manufacturing sector, an electromechanical technician could optimize the operation of any manufacturing equipment, participating in the testing in performance of a robotic cartinization system: an automated process within warehouses that calculates the numbers and sizes of products on an assembly line. Electromechanical technicians can also work with robotic equipment designed to complete dangerous tasks. Equipment used for oil drilling or hazardous waste removal usually require electromechanical systems and a more specialized knowledge of how these systems operate.

Tech Is Growing & So Are the Jobs

Careers are expanding as tech evolves, increasing the demand for highly skilled and educated individuals to join the industry. If you’re interested in a career in tech, or you already have one but want to upgrade your skills, it’s best to know your options and stay up-to-date on the top tech jobs of the future.

Want to learn more? George Brown College offers great tech programs and are suited for people who are just starting out in their career and those who want to advance in their current job.

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