7 email marketing tips for lawn care businesses

email marketing tips

Spring is around the corner, and lawn care is on everyone’s minds. So, it is the perfect time for you to really market your business. You need to reach out to your customers ahead of time, and make sure you’re the top option in their minds. Therefore, start working on your digital marketing, social media strategies, and printed material right now, so that you have everything ready and set to go.

Email marketing is one of the best tools you can have in your arsenal, provided you use it in the right way. A well-planned email marketing strategy is essential for this purpose. Here are a few tips you must incorporate to get things right and maximize your results.

Make attractive visuals

Excellent visuals are necessary for your marketing strategies. So, create collateral like snappy newsletters and eye-catching lawn service flyers. The design matters a lot, as it is the first thing your viewers will see. Have a cohesive color scheme and signature aesthetic for your business, which will be used throughout your collateral and signage etc.

So, make a design and font handbook for anyone working with you or any of your team members working on these materials. With tools like PosterMyWall, you can even make these designs yourself by customizing the host of templates there, making the process much easier.

Personalize your emails

Address your subscribers in the emails you send out. Most email marketing tools let you do this, but you need to input your email lists in order to enable this. So, curate your contact lists with existing, potential, and past clients. Then, divide them into their respective categories.

Each category should get emails which are suitable for their point in the marketing funnel. For example, potential clients would be top of the funnel, and would get emails showing the appeal and benefits of your business, while someone who’s already with you or has asked about your services will get an email with the relevant details.

Send a monthly newsletter

This is one of the staple email marketing strategies companies use to stay in people’s minds. When someone receives a monthly email in their inbox, they’ll remember your business’s name, even if they don’t go through the email itself. Therefore, you should send out a monthly newsletter.

This newsletter can include the services you’re providing, lawn care advice, the deals you have on offer, lawns you have worked on, and much more. You can even use it to highlight your employees, humanizing your business and increasing company morale.

Engage with your subscribers

You need to engage with your subscribers to really get their attention. Impersonal marketing or simply using their names in emails is not enough. Do your research into what your audience wants, and then make your email content accordingly. In this process, involve your readers with some unique ideas.

One of these ideas could be a seasonal contest for the best lawn of the year. Share images of the lawns you have worked on, and then have subscribers vote on them through your email newsletters and on social media and then feature the winners in an email. You can even have prizes or discounts for the winners.

Offer incentives for subscribing

When someone subscribes to your emails regularly, then you should incentivize them. These incentives can include packaged lawn care deals, discounts on certain services, promo codes, etc.

These incentives will make your readers more likely to open your emails, and also approach your business for their lawn care needs. The logic behind this is that if you take care of people, they’ll be more inclined towards you and willing to pay you for your services.

Make email workflows

In this day and age, automation and convenience is the name of the game. Email marketing is not an exception to this. There are numerous ways you can simplify the email marketing process. Use email templates to have most of your emails set to go. As mentioned above, categorize these emails according to audience types, and then send them as series according to the responses you get.

There are a number of tools which do this for you. However, the simplest way is to create a flowchart with various branches and arrange the emails along it accordingly. This will ensure you have all your email workflows at your fingertips.

Use a good email marketing platform

If you really want to make email marketing work well, you need an excellent email marketing platform. PosterMywall has one that has everything you need. You can design, send, schedule, and track your emails all in the same place. Simply create your emails using drag and drop tools, and insert the elements and text you want. Then, you can send or schedule your emails to your integrated contact lists.

Once the emails have been sent out, you can track their click rates, open rates, and other analytics. This will help you improve your strategies and make more successful email campaigns in the future.

To sum up, email marketing campaigns are essential for your lawn care business. So, you should use the PosterMyWall email marketing platform, and optimize your results.

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