How Do SQL Courses Help In A Machine Learning Career?

SQL Courses Help In A Machine Learning Career

As per the World Economic Forum’s Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will be the Future of Jobs. Data science may dominate all tech headlines and create the highest in-demand jobs by 2025. Artificial Intelligence(AI) is another fastest-growing area of Data Science. Various fields are adopting AI and Machine Learning in their business process. Machine Learning(ML) is a part of Artificial Intelligence and majorly focuses on the study of computing and mathematical algorithms. Machine Learning writes the code based on predefined algorithms on provided datasets.

To write a code or to work, Machine Learning uses various software and programming languages. SQL, Python, R, MATLAB and Java are major programming languages used in Machine Learning. SQL and Python are famous programming languages in Machine Learning. SQL is one of the most effective programming languages and it is the basic skill set for Machine Learning. SQL course helps you to understand the basics of data science and Machine Learning. Even in 2021 SQL helps your brain to deal with other tasks. A person who has no background in STEM also can learn SQL as it is one of the interactive languages for Machine Learning and master in data science. So let’s see what SQL is and how important it is for Machine Learning.

What is SQL?

SQL(Structured Query Language) is one of the oldest programming languages and it is part of computing. Even though Python and R are critical programming languages for data, SQL gives fundamental knowledge of data. Almost all the biggest names in Tech use SQL. UBER, LinkedIn, Netflix, Airbnb, Instagram and many more companies use SQL. This is one of the most-used languages in the entire tech industry. So learning SQL will help you to enter the data filed for non STEM background professionals. This leads to another question: how can you learn SQL without quitting your job?

One can easily learn SQL by sitting at your home through the internet. You can find various online platforms offering SQL courses with certifications. From the basics of SQL to deep learning you can find courses related to SQL and Machine Learning online. You will be learning to identify a subset of data, select and retrieve Data with SQL, filtering, sorting, and calculating data with SQL, modifying and analyzing the data with SQL and many more. It depends on the course which you choose. Here we are listing down some of the few best SQL courses online.

Analyzing Big Data with SQL

  • Platform: Coursera
  • Level: Beginner

The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert

  • Platform: Udemy
  • Level: Beginner

Excel to MySQL: Analytic Techniques for Business Specialization

  • Platform: Coursera
  • Level: Beginner

SQL for Data Science

  • Platform: Coursera
  • Level: Beginner

Learn SQL – NanoDegree Program

  • Platform: Udacity
  • Level: Beginner

With this, you can also learn basic and intermediate level SQL in Linkedin Learning and free online SQL courses in edX.

Despite its age, SQL is one of the most important programming languages for Machine Learning. The demand for Machine Learning is rising day by day, and if you are interested in switching your career to Machine Learning, then learning SQL will help you enter the field. Now one can find the best machine learning courses at their fingertip online. Various online platforms are offering the best machine learning courses with certifications. You will get to work on real-time projects, assignments, and classes from the best of the best industry experts. With a Machine Learning online course, you can also add data science courses that will help you to step ahead in your career.

As Machine Learning is an extensive specialization, you can find various Machine Learning online courses. Here are the few best online courses and certification programs.

Machine Learning with Python

  • Platform: UpGrad

Post Graduate Program in AI and Machine Learning

  • Platform: Simplilearn
  • Collaboration: IBM

Professional Certificate in Foundations Of Data Science

  • Platform: edX
  • Collaboration: Berkeley University

M.Sc in Machine Learning and AI

  • Platform: UpGrad

PG Certification in Machine Learning and NLP

  • Platform: UpGrad

PG Certification in Machine Learning and Deep Learning

  • Platform: UpGrad

M.Tech in Data Science and Machine Learning

  • Platform: UpGrad and Simplilearn

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